About Me

Life is learning. Life is change. Life is good. Life doesn't have to cost a lot. I want to make my life greener, healthier, and thriftier. And I want to enjoy doing it!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Making Progress

Not as much as I'd like, but every little bit counts, right?

My original timeline for getting my new workroom done failed to account for how much my neck and shoulders would ache by bedtime, or how badly I would stiffen up overnight ...it also failed to account for how cold and damp the weather would be all this week.  Therefore, the timeline has been revised.  I work on the room every other day, and spend the in-between days catching up on paperwork, reading, mending, and knitting.  (I'll post before, during, and after pics once the room is finished ... I might even post pics of the knitting projects I've done between priming/painting days.)  And of course, the daily search for a job goes on.
The spackling that should have dried in eight hours took three days!  Followed with an afternoon of sanding and dusting/sweeping.  Two days later, the first coat of primer went on, and two days after that, the second coat ... let me tell you, no matter how good your primer says it is, one coat is not going to completely eradicate bright neon green!

Daughter P has come out on both priming days to help, bless her  -  she volunteered, I didn't ask.  In fact, I was determined from the start that this is my project  -  mainly because Big Guy started grousing about how much he hates painting as soon as I mentioned re-doing the room.  So far all I've asked him for is advice on what kind of spackle/filler to get, and if he offers to help I will thank him sweetly and decline.  Something like "Oh, honey, it's so sweet of you to offer, but I'd really like to see if I can manage this on my own."

So far, the whole room is patched, sanded (except the floor) and primed.  Tomorrow I'll finish off the ceiling; that's a smallish job, so I think I'll be able to do the walls and window on Sunday.  Allowing two days for the paint to be completely dry everywhere, I'll fill the closet on Monday (it didn't get painted, just cleaned thoroughly), measure and hem the curtains on Tuesday, sand the floor and baseboards Wednesday, and by Thursday night I'd like to have all the furniture moved in.  Friday will be for shelving books and organizing everything else, and then it's done!  I can't even describe how much I'm looking forward to having a workroom I can actually work in!

* * * * * *

The job search is going about as well as I expected ... I've had two interviews so far, neither of which went anywhere.  There are so few jobs posted that I qualify for, and so much competition for every opening.  So I'm now signed up for a series of free workshops on such topics as creating a winning resume, writing killer over letters, searching the "hidden" job market, interviewing, and so on.  I have nothing to lose and everything (i.e. employment) to gain.

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