In retrospect, my last post ended up being more negative than otherwise. It happens ... and I'm not going to apologize for it. This is the one place where I can say exactly what I think and how I feel without being told how /why / to what degree I'm wrong. That's not to say I feel negative toward my family very often, but when I do, I really don't appreciate having my feelings discounted or pooh-poohed with responses that translate to I'm either crazy, delusional, stupid, or a liar.
And now that I've got that off my chest ...
Last week was super-hairy-crazy-busy-overloaded stressful at work. To the point where my IBS flared up so badly that by Friday I was spending half the day in the washroom and eating ibuprofen and loperamide like jelly beans. Well, I knew that this week wouldn't be any better, but I was determined not to let it aggravate my system again. So today, whenever I felt myself starting to react I just turned my chair around to face away from the desk, took three slow, deep breaths, and told myself not to take it personally. And it worked! I felt fine all day, and I still do. Physically, mentally, emotionally. So tonight seems like a good time to think about the positives in my life instead of the negatives.
Cloud: super-hairy-crazy-busy-overloaded days at work.
Silver lining: a job I love and that I'm really good at (and that incidentally pays pretty well too!). And every now and them, a client actually expresses appreciation. It means a lot, folks. If someone has done a good job for you - tell them so! You'll make their day, I guarantee it.
Cloud: man and daughters who think they are and will always be my number-one priority.
Silver lining: man and daughters who are and always will be my number-one priority.
Cloud: elderly cats who yarf up dead bugs in the living room.
Silver lining: elderly cats who are still healthy, active, and interested enough to chase and catch the aforementioned bugs.
Cloud: house that never seems to get clean no matter how much I clean it.
Silver lining: it's home, and it's mine, and what doesn't get done today will get done another day. (Besides, cleaning a house with a man living in it is like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing. And he cooks.)
Cloud: never enough time or working space to do all the things I want to do.
Silver lining: I am never bored. I really mean that. Never.
I may not have achieved as much as some people in worldly or material ways, but I have everything I need, most of what I want, and the freedom to enjoy it. I have more, in most areas, than ninety-nine per cent of the people on this planet. I have education, security, personal safety and freedoms, health and health care. I have a roof over my head, suitable clothing for the climate, enough to eat, clean water, reliable transportation, and work that pays a wage I can live on. What I don't have (except when the IBS is really bad) is any good reason to feel sorry for myself. Compared to most of the world - and any number of people I know - I am fortunate. And, most of the time, grateful.
I don't know how I am your sole follower. I really liked your old blog about finding your new job. I'm more of a silent lurker :)
ReplyDeleteI really like the cat cloud & silver lining. My cat is a beast, but I still love him, even though I'm the only one ha. Also, I get you on the never being bored thing. I hate when people complain about being bored all the time. How is it they have nothing to do?!
Hey, I'm enormously flattered to have a follower! Good to know I' not just spitting into the wind :-)
ReplyDeleteThe old blog was great while I was looking for work - but now so many things are so different, I found I had a new focus that pretty much needed a fresh start on a new page.