About Me

Life is learning. Life is change. Life is good. Life doesn't have to cost a lot. I want to make my life greener, healthier, and thriftier. And I want to enjoy doing it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Very Dull Week

This past week has been mostly a big heap of blah.  I'm just now starting to get over a virus of some kind that's been making the rounds ... no single symptom by itself was overwhelming, but added all together they made for a pretty miserable few days.  Runny nose, sinus headache, sore throat, upset stomach, and general achiness.  I did manage to get to work every day, but by noon Friday I'd had enough and came home ... and was glad I could finish up the day's reports etc from here and pass them along to be sent out; I don't like to dump my share of the workload on someone else if I can possibly avoid it.  Practically nothing got done at home, though  -  at least not by me  -  by the time I got home every day I could barely find the energy to eat before I fell over.

J catered a big party on Saturday, and apparently it was a great success.  I'm very pleased for her  -  she's worked extremely hard at this whole chef thing, and it's good to see it starting to pay off.  It's her passion, and we're proud as can be of her determination and her successes.

Apart from the above, about all I've managed this week is a couple of loads of laundry and the daily dishwashing.

Maybe next weekend I'll have something interesting to say.  For the moment, I'm going to go eat some of Big Guy's excellent corned beef and cabbage (and onions and carrots and parsnips and potatoes).

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